@ Google Scholar or @ Medline abstracts (Knoop V, Bonn)
Mol Plant. 13(2): 215-230. doi: 10.1016/j.molp.2019.11.002. Epub 2019 Nov 21.
Plant-type pentatricopeptide repeat proteins with a DYW domain drive C-to-U RNA editing in Escherichia coli
A survey of PPR proteins identifies DYW domains like those of land plant RNA editing factors in diverse eukaryotes.
RNA Biology 10(9).
Magnesium deficiency phenotypes upon multiple knockout of Arabidopsis thaliana MRS2 clade B genes can be ameliorated by concomitantly reduced calcium supply.
Plant and Cell Physiology 54(7):1118-31.
Membrane protein interactions between different Arabidopsis thaliana MRS2-type magnesium transporters are highly permissive.
Biochimica Biophysica Acta – Biomembranes, 1828(9):2032-40.
PREPACT 2.0: Predicting C-to-U and U-to-CRNA editing in organelle genome sequences with multiple references and curated RNA editing annotation.
Bioinformatics and Biology Insights 2013:7 1-19.
Journal of Systematics and Evolution 51(1):1-12
Genomics of chloroplasts and mitochondria.
Advances in Photosynthesis and Respiration, Volume 35. ISBN: 978-94-007-2919-3 (Print) 978-94-007-2920-9 (Online)Springer, Dordrecht
Volume 35 of series: Advances in Photosynthesis and Respiration, DOI: 10.1007/978-94-007-2920-9_8.
RNA-Editing in Pflanzen: dem Editor auf der Spur.
Biologie in unserer Zeit 41(2): 228-229.
Nucleic Acids Research 39(7):2890-2902.
Mitochondrial genome evolution in the plant lineage.
Chapter 1 in: “Plant Mitochondria” (ed. Frank Kempken), Advances in Plant Biology, Springer
DYW-type PPR proteins in a heterolobosean protist: Plant RNA editing factors involved in an ancient horizontal gene transfer?
FEBS Letters 584(20): 4287-4291.
Introducing intron locus cox1i624 for phylogenetic analyses in bryophytes: on the issue of Takakia as sister genus to all other extant mosses.
J. Mol. Evol., 70: 506-518.
Introducing PREPACT – The Plant RNA Editing Prediction and Analysis Computer Tool and an update on RNA editing site nomenclature.
Slugs’ last meals: Kleptoplastids in Sacoglossa (Opisthobranchia, Gastropoda): Molecular identification of sequestered chloroplasts from different algal origins.
Molecular Ecology Resources 10(6):968-78.
Looking for sense in the nonsense: a short review of non-coding organellar DNA elucidating the phylogeny of bryophytes.
Tropical Bryology 31:50-60.
The phylogeny of mosses: addressing open issues with a new mitochondrial locus: group I intron cobi420
Mol. Phylogenet. Evol 54: 417-26.
A root-expressed magnesium transporter of the AtMRS2/MGT gene family in Arabidopsis thaliana allows for growth in low-Mg2+ environments.
Plant Cell 21(12):4018-30.
A trans-splicing group I intron and tRNA-hyperediting in the mitochondrial genome of the lycophyte Isoetes engelmannii.
Nucl. Acids Res. 37(15): 5093-5104.
RNA editing: only eleven sites are present in the Physcomitrella patens mitochondrial transcriptome and a universal nomenclature proposal.
in liverwort phylogeny.
J. Mol. Evol. 66: 621-629.
but not in marchantiid liverworts
Clavicipitaceous Fungi Associated with Ergoline Alkaloid-Containing Convolvulaceae.
J. Nat. Prod.: 70:1955-1960.
Evolution of a pseudogene: Exclusive survival of a functional mitochondrial nad7 gene supports Haplomitrium as the earliest liverwort lineage and proposes a secondary loss of RNA editing in Marchantiidae.
Mol. Biol. Evol. 24(4):1068-1074.
The deepest divergences in land plants inferred from phylogenomic evidence.
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA 103(42):15511-6.
Transport of magnesium and other divalent cations: Evolution of the 2-TM-GxN proteins in the MIT superfamily.
Mol. Gen. Genomics, 274: 205-216.
Mitochondrial insights for land plant phylogeny and a case study in ferns.
Nova Acta Leopoldina NF92(342):47-60.
Primary sooty mangabey simian immunodeficiency virus and human immunodeficiency virus type 2 Nef Alleles Modulate Cell Surface Expression of Various Human receptors and Enhance Viral Infectivity and Replication.
J. Virol. 79(16):10547-60.
The mitochondrial DNA of Plants: Peculiarities in Phylogenetic Perspective.
Current Genetics 46: 123-139. DOI: 10.1007/s00294-004-0522-8
Molecular Phylogeny of Bryophytes and Peculiarities of their Chloroplast and Mitochondrial DNAs.
in: “New Frontiers in Bryology: Physiology, Molecular Biology and Applied Genomics” (Eds.: Andrew J. Wood, Melvin J. Oliver & David J. Cove. Kluwer, Dordrecht.)
Nef Proteins from Chimpanzees Infected with Simian Immunodeficiency Virus and Humans Infected with Human Immunodeficiency Virus Type 1 Groups N and O Interact with p21-Activated Kinase 2 and Modulate Cell Surface Expression of Various Human Receptors.
J. Virol. 78(13): 6864–6874
DOI: 10.1128/JVI.78.13.6864–6874.2004
Molecular Biology of the Plant Mitochondrion.
Critical Reviews in Plant Sciences 21(2):111-126
Divergent intron conservation in the mitochondrial nad2 gene: signatures for the three bryophyte classes mosses, liverworts and hornworts and the lycophytes.
J. Mol. Evol. 55:265-271.
Mosses share mitochondrial group II intron with flowering plants, not with liverworts.
Mol. Gen. Genom. 266:608-613.
The mitochondrial nad2 gene as a novel marker locus for phylogenetic analysis among early land plants: a comparative analysis in mosses.
Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 18(1):117-126.
A member of a novel Arabidopsis thaliana gene family of candidate Mg2+-ion transporters complements a yeast mitochondrial group II intron splicing mutant.
The Plant Journal 24(4): 489-501.
MitBASE : a comprehensive and integrated mitochondrial DNA database. The present status.
Nucleic Acids Res. 28: 148-152.
RNA-Editing 1999
Biologie in unserer Zeit 29(6): 336-345.
Group II introns in plant mitochondria: Trans-splicing and transgenic approaches
In: "Plant Mitochondria: From Gene to Function" (Eds. Møller IM, Gardeström P, Glimelius K, Glaser E), Backhuys, Leiden, NL, pp.201-206.
Phylogenetic information in the mitochondrial nad5 gene of pteridophytes: RNA editing and intron sequences
Plant Biol. 1(2):235-243.
Plant mitochondrial RNA editing - extreme in hornworts and dividing the liverworts?
NOTE: The title of this paper has erroneously been shortened at the hyphen at the final publishing stage.
J. Mol. Evol.48(3):303-312. At the publisher.
A molecular phylogeny of bryophytes based on nucleotide sequences of the mitochondrial nad5 gene
Plant Syst. Evol. 218(3-4): 179-192
Homologues of yeast and bacterial rotenone-insensitive NADH dehydrogenases in higher eukaryotes: two enzymes are present in potato mitochondria
The Plant Journal 20(1):79-87
M. Attimonelli, N. Altamura, R. Benne, C.Boyen, A. Brennicke, A. Carone, J.M. Cooper, D. D'Elia, A. De Montalvo, B. de Pinto, M. De Robertis, P. Golik, J.M. Grienenberger, V. Knoop, C. Lanave, J. Lazowska, A. Lemagnen, B.S. Malladi, F. Memeo, M. Monnerot, S.Pilbout, A.H.V. Shapira, P. Sloof, P. Slonimski, K. Stevens and C. Saccone (1999)
MitBASE : A comprehensive and integrated mitochondrial DNA database
Nucleic Acids. Res. 27: 128-133.
RNA editing by base conversion in plant organellar RNAs
In: Modification and Editing of RNA (Chapter 17), Eds. Henri Grosjean and Rob Benne, ASM Press, Washington DC.
Complex II subunit 4 (sdh4) homologous sequences in plant mitochondrial genomes
Trans-splicing in plant mitochondria: The complete set of ancestor introns in ferns, fern allies and a hornwort
RNA 4, 1599-1609.
Mitochondrial DNA variations and nuclear RFLPs reflect differing familial relationships among 23 Arabidopsis thaliana ecotypes
Plant Mol. Biol. 33:37-45.
A tripartite group II intron in mitochondria of an angiosperm plant
Mol. Gen. Genet. 255:269-276.
Evolution of trans-splicing plant mitochondrial introns in pre-Permian times
Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 94:553-558
Interorganellar gene transfer in bryophytes: The functional nad7 gene is nuclear encoded in Marchantia polymorpha
Mol. Gen. Genet. 256:589-592.
copia-, gypsy- and LINE-like Retrotransposon fragments in the mitochondrial genome of Arabidopsis thaliana
Genetics 142: 579-585
Molecular Biology of Plant Mitochondria
Naturwissenschaften 83:339-346
RNA editing in bryophytes and a molecular phylogeny of land plants
EMBO J. 15 (6): 1403-1411
The gene for ribosomal protein S10 is present in mitochondria of pea and potato but absent from those of Arabidopsis and Oenothera
Curr. Genet. 27:559-564
Expression of the plant mitochondrial genome
NATO ASI Series, Plant Molecular Biology H 81:347-360
RNA editing of a conserved reading frame in plant mitochondria increases its similarity to two overlapping reading frames in Escherichia coli
Mol. Gen. Genet. 242:65-72
Promiscuous mitochondrial group II intron sequences in plant nuclear genomes
J. Mol. Evol. 39:144-150
Evidence for a group II intron in Escherichia coli inserted into a highly conserved reading frame associated with mobile DNA sequences
Nucl. Acids Res. 22:1167-1171
On the identification of group II introns in nucleotide sequence data
J. Mol. Biol. 242:389-396
Group II introns in plant mitochondria - Trans-splicing, RNA editing, evolution and promiscuity.
In: Plant Mitochondria, eds. Brennicke, A. and Kück, U., VCH Verag, Weinheim, p. 221-232
The mitochondrial genome on its way to the nucleus: different stages of gene transfer in higher plants
FEBS Letters 325:140-145
Trans-splicing and RNA editing in Oenothera and Arabidopsis mitochondria
In: Plant Tissue Culture and Gene Manipulation for Breeding and Formation of Phytochemicals, Ono et al. (Eds.) pp.55-64
The nad4L gene is encoded between exon c of nad5 and orf25 in the Arabidopsis mitochondrial genome
Mol. Gen. Genet. 236:33-38
Expression of the avirulence gene avrBs3 from Xanthomonas campestris pv. vesicatoria is not under the control of hrp genes and is independent of plant factors
J. Bacteriol. 173:7142-7150.
Trans splicing integrates an exon of 22 nucleotides into the nad5 mRNA in higher plant mitochondria.
EMBO J. 10:3483-3493
Between DNA and protein - RNA editing in plant mitochondria
Physiol. Plant. 81:437-455
A mitochondrial intron sequence in the 5'-flanking region of a plant nuclear lectin gene
Curr. Genet. 20:423-425
Nucleotide sequences of the mitochondrial genes tRNS(TGA) encoding tRNA-Ser(TGA) in Oenothera berteriana and Arabidopsis thaliana
Gene 102:245-247
Distribution of RNA editing sites in Oenothera mitochondrial mRNAs and rRNAs
Curr. Genet. 20:397-404
Popular science
Volker Knoop (1999)
Pflanzen und Gentechnik: Transgene Pflanzen, transgenes Essen
S. 137 ff. in: Interdisziplinäre Beiträge zur Nachhaltigkeit von Lebensstilen und uz neuen Biotechnologien (Beiträge zur allgemeinen wissenschaftlichen Weiterbildung, Band 7), Reinhardt Rüdel, Carmen Stadelhofer (Hrsg.), Kleine Verlag, Bielefeld.
Volker Knoop (1994)
Ein Wüstenbaum als Zeuge
Naturwissenschaftliche Rundschau 47. Jg. Heft 4:145
Volker Knoop (1993)
Natürliche Kunststoffe
Naturwissenschaftliche Rundschau 46. Jg. Heft 8:327
Volker Knoop (1992)
Variationen der pflanzlichen Resistenz
Naturwissenschaftliche Rundschau 45. Jg. Heft 11:443