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2022, Aylin Kerim received the prize for the best plant science Master's thesis at the University of Bonn from the German Botanical Society, Master Thesis: “Physiological and Molecular Characterization of Glyoxalase I in the Glyoxalase System among Arabidopsis thaliana Ecotypes”, Link: Deutsche Botanische Gesellschaft - Nachwuchsförderung
- 2022, Meike Hüdig received the Eduard Strasburger Award of the German Botanical Society for her outstanding and original achievements as a postdoctoral scientist in the field of botany, Link: Deutsche Botanische Gesellschaft - Wissenschaftspreise 2022
- 2011, Anke Kuhn received the prize for the best poster presentation at the XXIV SPPS congress, Stavanger, Norway, ”Plant peroxisomal paralogues of glycolate oxidase possess different biochemical properties and physiological functions”, Kuhn A, Engqvist MKM, Jaspert N, and Maurino VG
- 2011, Judith Wienstroer received the prize for the best poster presentation at the International Conference for Plant Mitochondrial Biology, Hohenroda, Germany, “Arabidopsis thaliana mitochondrial D-lactate dehydrogenase is involved in the detoxification of methylglyoxal the electron transport chain“, Wienstroer J, Engqvist MKM, and Maurino VG
- 2011, Veronica Maurino was appointed as Excellent scientist by the AcademiaNet, Robert-Bosch-Stiftung
- 2010, Martin Engqvist received the prize for the best talk at the 23. Meeting of the Molecular Biology of Plants Society, Dabringhausen, Germany, “Decreasing photorespiration Glycolate oxidase or glycolate dehydrogenase - it makes a difference“, Engqvist MKM and Maurino VG
- 2009, Alexandra Maier received the prize for the best poster presentation at the Botanikertagung, Leipzig, Germany, “Short-circuiting photorespiration enhances carbon assimilation in Arabidopsis thaliana“, Maier A, Fahnenstich H, Flügge UI, and Maurino VG
- 2009, Veronica Maurino was appointed Top Author (2004-2008) by the American Society of Plant Biologists
- 1998, Veronica Maurino received Outstanding Young Scientist Award from Amersham Pharmacia Biotech and Science
- 1992, Veronica Maurino received the prize for the best poster presentation at the Congress of Biomedicine from the Biology Society of Rosario