Dr. Mareike Schallenberg-Rüdinger
Lecturer for Molecular Botany
Dr. Mareike Schallenberg-Rüdinger
Phone: +49 228 73-6464
E-Mail: mrueding@uni-bonn.de
and ERASMUS+ Department Biology Coordinator
Compulsory Modules in the Bachelor of Science Biology

The lecture given by Prof. Dr. Ute Vothknecht focusses on the evolution of plants and the structure of plant cells. In particular, plant-specific properties and developments are discussed. The cell and tissue structures as the basis for plant movement processes are explained.
In the practical course part, the structure of plants with their various tissues and organs are discussed and visualized under the microscope. Students learn scientific microscopy, abstraction and generalisation of what they observe and scientific drawing.
The course is organised by the group of Plant Cell Biology.

The lecture provides an overview of the entire field of plant physiology and the basics of plant molecular biology. The lecture is held by the lecturers Prof. Dr. Maurino, PD Dr. Rochus Franke and this year by Dr. Mareike Schallenberg-Rüdinger.
6 selected experiments on the topics of nucleic acids, proteins, photosynthesis, water balance and secondary metabolites are conducted in the practical course part. Students should learn to perform experiments methodically correctly using a script, to evaluate the results and to summarise them in a protocol.
The course is organised by the group of Ecophysiology, Molecular Evolution and Molecular Plant Physiology.
Elective Modules in the Bachelor of Science Biology

In this module, students are familiarised with modern plant sciences, in particular with molecular biological methods. If possible, students will work on a current research topic of the Institute of Cellular and Molecular Botany (IZMB) and on the topic of RNA editing in plant organelles (as Dr Mareike Schallenberg-Rüdinger's own research focus).
The experimental steps in the practical course include at least the isolation of nucleic acids (DNA and RNA), the synthesis of cDNA, the amplification of nucleic acids, molecular cloning in various plasmid vectors, accompanying gel electrophoretic controls, DNA sequencing, bioinformatic analyses of sequence data, cultivation of model plants and the transformation of recombinant DNA in the bacterium Escherichia coli and the model moss Physcomitrium patens. This moss is an excellent model organism in molecular botany, as it is completely sequenced and integrates foreign DNA into its genome very efficiently and selectively via homologous recombination.
The accompanying lecture teaches the basics of molecular botany and molecular biology methodology. In addition to independent, effective work in the laboratory, students also learn how to prepare scientific presentations and how to analyse and document experiments in accordance with the rules of good scientific practice.