Research Focus
To cope with short term environmental changes, plants have evolved complex signaling networks that start with stress perception and end with appropriate cellular responses.
In this context we are analysing the molecular basis of Ca2+-dependent signaling pathways in plant organelles and the role of Ca2+, ROS and plant hormones in drought stress.
In addition to the model plant Arabidopsis thaliana, we are investigating the staple crops barley and potato.
Prof. Dr. Ute C. Vothknecht

IZMB - Zellbiologie der Pflanzen
Kirschallee 1, 53115 Bonn
Tel.: +49 (0)228 73 5999
E-Mail: vothknecht@uni-bonn.de

Congratulations again to Sabarna and Fatima on the publication of their work on the impact of calcium signaling on the transcriptomics response to oxidative stress in barley (https://lnkd.in/e5nBthqn).

Congratulations to Annelotte and our former Post-Doc Andras as well as our collaborators Roland (Durham University) and Sophia (FAU Erlangen) for their nice work on stress induced Ca2+ transients in potato as part of the EU H2O20 project ADAPT.

Congratulations to Sabarna, Maya and Fatima. Their collaborative work with the Peiter group from the University of Halle on H2O2 mediated transcriptional changes in barley is now published.

New publication from our long-time collaboration with Ildiko and Lorella from the University of Padua.

Group photo taken during the 20 years anniversary celebration of the IZMB.

Saying farewell to our Post-Doc Andras
All the Best for your future career as a science teacher in Berlin.

Maya, Bastian und Fatima's work on stress induced calcium signals in barley is now published in BMC Plant Biology