short CV - Prof. Dr. Ute C. Vothknecht
Professional Appointments
since 2016 Chair of Plant Cell Biology, University of Bonn
2007-2016 Professor for Molecular Cell Architecture and Trafficking, LMU Munich
Research Experience
2001-2007 Scientific Assistant/Junior Group Leader, Botanical Institute, LMU Munich, Prof. J. Soll
1999-2001 Postdoc, Botanical Institute, University of Kiel, Prof. J. Soll
1996-1999 Postdoc, Dept. Mol. Biophys. & Biochem., Yale University, USA, Prof. D. Söll
1994-1996 Postdoc, Carlsberg Laboratories, Dept. of Plant Physiology, Copenhagen, Denmark, Prof. D. v. Wettstein
1991-1993 Ph.D. research project in Plant Physiology and Biochemistry, Philipps-University Marburg, Prof. H. Senger
Academic education and degrees
2005 Habilitation in Botany/Cell Biology, LMU Munich
1993 Ph.D. (Dr. rer. nat. Biology) supervised by Prof. H. Senger, Philipps-University Marburg
1991 Diploma (Biology) supervised by Prof. H. Senger, Philipps-University Marburg
1995 - 1991 Studies in Biology, Philipps-University Marburg